Site Managers have the ability to:
- View/edit the content of existing pages and text for the page areas they have access to
- Some basic knowledge of X/HTML is recommended, although not necessary
- Add files such as images, text documents, PDFs, and videos to web pages
- Add links to other internal or external sites
- Access Page versions (Revisions): View earlier versions
- Note: Only Site Managers can revert the page to an earlier version
In addition, they can also:
- Create pages or delete existing pages as needed
- Place and move pages within the menu navigation structure
- Revert to earlier page versions (Revisions). Note: If you wish to delete page versions, contact the IT Service Desk
- Create and position Blocks within the site
- Create Webforms, if needed
- Create Galleries and Slideshows
- Manage files and images on a site using the My Workbench > File List tab
- Import Channels, create News and Events blocks, and add RSS feeds using the Feed Aggregator
- Edit site settings
- Customize the Shortcuts bar for site managers
- Request additional changes via the IT Service Desk (e.g., delete page versions)
Note: Prospective Site Managers must first take the following required courses before they can be given access to a site:
- Site Editing (WMS 300)
- Site Management (WMS 301)
Site Managers who wish to learn more about a particular feature may register for the following lab:
- Lab for editors and site managers (WMS 302)
Registration links and session schedules may be found