How did Montreal sound during the lockdown? Le paysage sonore du confinement à Montréal
Sounds in the City, a research partnership led by Dr. Catherine Guastavino at SIS, is investigating the effect of the pandemic on Montreal soundscapes.
SIS Welcomes 2 students as part of the Indigenous Student Librarian program.
The School of Information Studies is happy to announce 2 students Chloe Belair-Morin and Sarah Monnier as part of the Indigenous Student Librarian program. This programs offers a tuition waiver to an Indigenous student as well as part time employment as a student librarian or archivist at Concordia Library.
SIS Programs ranked high
鶹 jumps 12 places in global university rankings
In separate a ranking, 10 academic subjects at 鶹 were rated among the top 50 in the world
Library and Information Studies ranked 38th globally and 2nd in Canada. More information in the reporter article here!
Prof Benjamin Fung Promoted to Full Professor
The School of Information Studies isvery pleased to announce that Prof. Benjamin Fung has been promoted to the rank of Full Professor. Prof. Fung is a stellar researcher and holder of the CRC Chair in Data Mining for Cybersecurity. He has an outstanding and seemingly unstoppable successful track record in grantsmanship.
Quieted City Sounds During Lockdown
Prof Catherine Guastavino's research on quieted city sounds during lock down has been featured several times this past month in the news and on the radio. Read or listen more about this new research here!
Welcome Gracen Brilmyer
SIS is very excited to welcome Gracen Brilmyer as Associate Professor (Special Category) starting August 1, 2020
SIS Director Prof Kimiz Dalkir to collaborate on a project helping Canadian citizens critically assess and become resilient against harmful online disinformation
Prof. Kimiz Dalkir will be part of a collaborative project to help Canadian citizens critically assess and become resilient against harmful online disinformation: ”Développement et expérimentation d’outils éducatifs pour contrer la désinformation en ligne chez les jeunes adultes”. The $205,742 project is funded for two years (2019-2021) by Canadian Heritage under the Digital Citizenship program and will be led by PI Prof.
SIS Faculty member Catherine Guastavino interviewed for maTV’s show Mise à jour
Tune in to hear Prof Guastavino discuss her research and the effects of noise pollution in the city. The interview will be available online a few days after the broadcast
SIS Faculty member Benjamin Fung appointed Associate Editor in IEEE Transactions of Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
Congratulations to Prof. Benjamin Fung who has been appointed Associate Editor in IEEE Transactions of Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) for a 2-year term from May 2019. IEEE TKDE is a top research venue in the area of data mining
SIS is happy to announce Dr. Rebekah Willson will be joining us in August 2019
New faculty member joining us for the fall 2019-2020 academic year Rebekah Willson.
SIS Faculty Member joint force with the industry to fight fraudulent insurance claims
Health insurance data are complex and large in volume. Finding the fraudulent claims is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Funded by the NSERC Engage Grants, SIS Faculty MemberBenjamin Fungwill start a new collaborative project withSegic, a software company that offers technology platforms and management services for the collective insurance industry.
Data Mining and Security (DMaS) Lab develops AI tools to defend the cyberspace of Canada
SIS Faculty Member Benjamin Fung and his research team DMaSarecollaborating with the Defence Research & Development Canada (DRDC) to develop an AI-powered interactive platform to understand the inner workings of software binaries, including both benign and malicious software.
SIS Faculty members at European Conference on Knowledge Management
Profs. Evans and Frissen recently presented their work on knowledge sharing at the the 19th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2018) in Padua, Italy. Their paper "The strength of strong ties you can trust: Re-examining the mediating role of trust in effective knowledge sharing" (Evans, Frissen, & Choo, C.W., 2018) can be found in the conference proceedings: pp. 250-258.
Prof. Max Evans appointed as a member to CIRMMT
Congratulations to Prof. Evans for being appointed to CIRMMT as a full faculty member
Dr. Alexandre Fortier and Dr. Elaine Ménard to receive Best Overall Paper award
Dr. Alexandre Fortier and Dr. Elaine Ménard received The Best Overall Paper award for the highest ranked submission at the 46th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science (CAIS) for their paper entitled "Quelles données satisferaient les utilisateurs de sites web de musées?". Award papers are being presented on the first day of the conference (May 30, 2018) between 10:00-noon.