Publications & Collaborations

ROLED publications

Nandini Ramanujam, Nicholas Caivano, Alexander Agnello, & Kassandra Neranjan. 鶹 Journal of Sustainable Development Law, Volume 20: Issue 1 (2024) 

Nandini Ramanujam and Francesca Farrington,Market- "Engaging Institutions: The Rule of Law, Resilience and Responsiveness in an Era of Institutional Flux." Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, April 2023

Ramanujam, Nandini and Agnello, Alexander. ""Law and Development Review, 2023. 

"Rule of Law and Economic Development: A Comparative Approach Towards Sustainable Economic Growth Across the BRICs": (Montreal: Quebec, 鶹 Faculty of Law, 2012), 276 pages.

"Economic Regulation in the United States: Current Mechanisms for Enforcement”: (Montreal: Quebec, 鶹 Faculty of Law, 2011), 29 pages.

ROLED collaborations

鶹 Faculty of Law

"": Nandini Ramanujam and Francesca Farrington, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law(2023).

"”: Nandini Ramanujam and Alexander Agnello, Law and Development Review(2023).

"": Nandini Ramanujam and Nicholas Caivano, Disability & Society(2023).

The Rule of Law, Governance and Development”: Nandini Ramanujam and Francesca Farrington, in Handbook on Governance and Development (editors Wil Hout and Jane Hutchison, Edward Elgar Publishing House, 2022).

"Crossing the ‘Redline': Engaging Russia in the Multilateral Order”: Nandini Ramanujam and Vishakha Wijenayake, in Reclaiming Human Rights in a Changing World Order (editor Christopher Sabatini, Brookings Institution Press, 2022).

"”: Nandini Ramanujam and Vishakha Wijenayake, Hague Journal of the Rule of Law(2021).

"”: Nandini Ramanujam and Alexander Agnello, 鶹 Journal of Sustainable Development Law(2020).

"Distributive Justice and the Sustainable Development Goals: Delivering Agenda 2030 in India”: Nandini Ramanujam and Nicholas Caivano, Law and Development Review (2019).

"": Nandini Ramanujam and Nicholas Caivano, Law and Development Review(2016).

"": Nandini Ramanujam and Stephanie Chow, Frontiers of Law in China(2016).

"Shifting Ground, Solid Foundations: Imagining a New Paradigm for Canadian Civil Society Engagement": Nandini Ramanujam and Miatta Gorvie, Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice(2015).

”:  Nandini Ramanujam, Nicholas Caivano and Semahagn Abebe, 鶹 International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy(2015).

L'État de droit et l'évolution du conseil constitutionnel français”: Fabien Gélinas, Rule of Law in Russia – Issues of Implementation, Enforcement, and Practice(2013).

Pulled from the Edge of Legal Nihilism: Russia and the European Human Rights Regime”: René Provost, Working Paper (Montreal, Quebec: 2012).

Canadian Property Registries”: David Lametti, Ellen Bouque and Ian Dahlman (Montreal, Quebec: 鶹 Faculty of Law, 2011).

An Analysis of the Forms and Functions of Independent Commissions of Inquiry (Royal Commission) in Canada”: Roderick Macdonald and Rebecca Dawe (Montreal, Quebec: 鶹 Faculty of Law, 2011).

University of Toronto

Criminal Prosecution and the Regulation of Business”: Peter Solomon, Verkhovenstvo prava kak factor ekonomiki. Mezhdunarodnaia kollektivnaia monografiia (editors EV Novikova, AG Fedotov, AV Rozentsvaig, I MA Subbotin, Moscow: 2013).

Enhancing the Independence of the Individual Judge”: Peter Solomon, Working Paper (Toronto, Ontario: 2013).

Putin’s New Presidency and the Criminal Law: Punishment as the Universal Solution”: Peter Solomon, Working Paper (Toronto, Ontario: 2013).

The Making of Criminal Law in Russia and the West: The Policy Process and the Role of Experts”: Peter Solomon, Working Paper (Toronto, Ontario: 2013).

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