Policy for the Academic Accommodation of Religious Observances

鶹 welcomes students who hold and practice a wide diversity of religious identities, traditions, and beliefs. The University embraces this diversity and is commited to providing an academic environment that is respectful and inclusive of all students. As part of this commitment, it is the responsibility of the University, in accordance with applicable legislation, including the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, CQLR, chapter C12 (“Charter”), to reasonably accommodate students where there is a conflict between an Academic Requirement and their individual Religious Observances.


  1. Students shall not be penalized if they cannot write examinations or be otherwise assessed where such activities conflict with their Religious Observance.
  2. In advance of the first day of class, the Office of the Dean of Students shall distribute to all units a multifaith calendar listing Holy Days for the academic year, along with a copy of this Policy.
  3. While sessional dates, classroom and Faculty activities, and examination dates take into account academic constraints and statutory holidays, where there is flexibility, efforts are to be made by the University and Instructors to schedule assessments on dates and/or at times that do not conflict with Religious Observances.
  4. Students who, because of their Religious Observance, cannot meet an Academic Requirement, other than final examinations, are responsible for informing their Instructor with two weeks' notice of the conflict. Possible solutions to the conflict include, but are not limited to:
    4.1 rescheduling the Assessment, or
    4.2 preparing an alternative Assessment for that particular student, or
    4.3 shifting the weight assigned to the Assessment to other components of the Assessment, in accordance with the Policy on Assessment of Student Learning.
  5. When the Instructor and Student are unable to agree on suitable accommodation, the mater will be referred to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs in the Faculty responsible for administering the course. The Associate Dean of Student Affairs will decide whether reasonable accommodation without undue hardship is possible and what accommodation is to be made. The Associate Dean of Student Affairs will convey the decision to the Instructor and Student.
  6. When the requested accommodation concerns a final examination, Students are responsible for completing and submitting the Final Exam Conflict Form appropriate for their Faculty at least four weeks before exams begin. Each Faculty is required to have a Final Exam Conflict Form for this purpose.
  7. When the requested accommodation concerns a final examination, and provided the Student complied with #6 of this Policy, possible solutions to the conflict include (in order of preference):
    7.1 treating the request as a procedural conflict, and accommodating it within the examination period, or
    7.2 providing a special deferred examination as soon as possible, or
    7.3 granting permission to write a regular deferred examination.
    The accommodation will be chosen by the Exam Office after consultation with the Student.
  8. This policy is to be made available to all members of the University Community.

The full Policy for the Academic Accommodation of Religious Observances (formerly the Policy for the Accommodation of Religious Holy Days) and other policies referenced above are available on the Secretariat website.

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