
Frequently Asked Questions


What is Co-op?

The Â鶹Çø Software Engineering Co-op allows you to apply classroom concepts during paid work terms. At graduation, your diploma will state you participated in a co-op program. You will have 16 months of work experience in your field of study and a network of contacts. This will contribute to helping you find a meaningful job after graduation.

Why choose Co-op?

  • Gain valuable paid work experience in your field of study
  • Develop professional skills and gain a better understanding of the workplace
  • Discover the careers that best suit you by exploring different job opportunities
  • Meet key people in the job market who can be instrumental in you securing a position after you graduate

What’s the difference between a Co-op placement and an internship?

Different universities have different definitions for co-ops and internships. In the Faculty of Engineering, co-op work terms are a mandatory part of the degree. They are completed by students in Software, Materials and Mining majors and mandatory to graduate. Internship are available for engineering majors who are not part of a co-op program. They are not a mandatory part of the degree for these majors.

*From the employers’ perspective, co-ops and internships often mean the same thing – a student whose work is recognised by their university.

How does Co-op work?

Co-op integrates academics (traditional classroom/remote learning) with relevant work (a form of experiential learning). Engineering Co-op placements may take place in: Fall (Sept – Dec), Winter/Spring (Jan – Apr) and Summer (May – Aug). They coincide with Â鶹Çø’s academic terms. Work terms are supervised, evaluated, and paid experiences. You earn a degree with the Co-op designation by completing the required work terms and academic requirements.

Will I find employment more easily by completing the Co-op program?

While there are many factors to consider, chances are high that you will more easily find employment. It is easier to find full-time employment after gaining relevant experience. Often, students are able to secure a full-time offer before graduation.

Does the Co-op program guarantee a job for each student?

No, we cannot guarantee students a job. The Software Engineering Co-op does not place a student with a company. It provides opportunities in the form of posted positions from partner companies. There is emphasis on building skills through coaching, workshops and events. You will thus feel confident and prepared to apply to jobs. Whether a position becomes filled depends on how well your qualifications are communicated to potential employers and how active you are in the job search.

Can International students participate in Co-op?

International students can participate in the Software Engineering Co-op Program. Students will need to apply for a co-op work permit. A letter from the Program Director is provided to international students to apply for the permit at the same time as the initial Study Permit. More information for international students can be found at Â鶹Çø International Student Services.

Can I participate in the Exchange or Study Away Programs and do Co-op?

You can likely take part in an exchange semester but you must understand how a semester abroad may affect progress in your curriculum. Remember that it is also possible to conduct a co-op work term abroad (subject to Â鶹Çø’s Travel Regulations).

For specific questions about the co-op work term, whom should I contact?

Please contact the softwarecoop.engineering [at] mcgill.ca (Software Co-op Advisor). They can either answer your question or direct you to the right resource.

For questions concerning my career development whom should I contact?

There are several people with whom you can speak to about career development. Meet with the softwarecoop.engineering [at] mcgill.ca (Software Co-op Advisor), the Career Advisors at the Engineering Career Centre or the Co-op Academic Director.

What can I do with my SE degree once I graduate?

Software is the universal language for modern creation. As a software engineer, you might:

  • Develop applications for website or applets for smartphones
  • Design the central control systems for automobiles
  • Supervise the lifecycle of large software systems in government and business
  • Ensure the information security of banking software

What's the difference between Computer Science and Software Engineering?

Computer scientists and software engineers specialize in the design and implementation of software for many diverse applications including, but not limited to, mobile communication applications, virtual reality and gaming, artificial intelligence, web- and cloud-based distributed software applications, social media tools, computer vision for electric vehicles, and industrial automation. Computer science dives deeper into the theoretical underpinnings behind fundamental software algorithms and data structures. It aims to provide quantitative guarantees on the computing resources needed to solve problems of a specified size. Software engineering considers these guarantees in the context of the problems that are faced when engineering large-scale software solutions (i.e., systems that will be deployed and used by millions of people, over the course of many years or even decades). These include tackling the issues behind maintaining and updating software systems, over time and across evolving software development teams, in a reliable, ethical and sustainable way.

How do I apply to the Co-op program?

As of September 2021, all new Software Engineering students will enter the Co-op Program.

What CEGEP R score (cote R) or average do I need to be admitted to the program?

It varies from year to year based on how many applications we receive. For Fall 2020 admission, the admission requirements for Software Engineering were as follows:


Core R-Score Math/Science: 31.8

Overall R-Score: 31.8

Canadian High School applicants outside Quebec & Ontario

Average Math/Science: 96

Overall Average: 95.5

International Bacc

Average Math/Science: 6

Overall Average: 37

French Bacc

Average Math/Science: 16

Overall Average: 16/20

What does it take to be successful in Co-op?

You will balance academics, extra curriculars, family, social life, and prepare for job searching and working. To succeed, it will be important to balance all your commitments in a sustainable way. The Faculty offers wellness services to assist with time-management, stress, and all that comes with university life.

Can I transfer to the Software Engineering Co-op from another program?

There will be no transfers into this program for the 2021-2022 academic year. Please meet with a Career Advisor or Academic Advisor to understand your choices.

What is a Co-op work term?

Each Software Engineering Co-op work term consists of:

  • 12-16 weeks of work per term
  • Full time work (35-40 hours week)
  • Paid work experience
  • Related to students’ area of study
  • Supervised by an engineer or professional

How do I register a Co-op work term?

Students will register for co-op work terms the same way they register for courses, via Minerva. Note that the co-op work terms are part of an academic program, worth 2 credits, and have a course code just like your other university classes. Please visit Courses and Programs for more information on how to use Minerva.

What is a typical salary?

The answer depends on how many co-ops you have completed and the sector/industry and location of your co-op work term. In Montreal, a 1st co-op work term student may earn between $18 and $25 per hour. In cities where living expenses are higher, salaries are typically higher.

When do work terms take place?

Work terms are scheduled to coincide with study terms and can happen in the Fall, Winter/Spring, or Summer terms. To stay on track, we recommend you follow your sample curriculum.

Can I work only in the summer semesters?

To get the most out of your work terms and a better idea of work post-graduation the work terms take place in different semesters. We suggest you follow the sample curriculum to stay on track.

What is the typical employment period?

Within the four-month work term, students typically work full-time for 12 to 16 weeks. Note that the length of the work term is set by the employer.

Can my summer job/part-time job/full-job be used for Co-op?

Part-time jobs cannot count towards co-op credit. Most summer jobs cannot count towards co-op credit. For a summer job to count towards co-op credit, it must be full-time, between 12 and 16 weeks long, related to your major, paid, and supervised by an engineering professional or equivalent. There are many summer opportunities advertised on and elsewhere that count towards co-op credit.

If I am on a Co-op work term can I take a course?

You can take one course worth up to 4 credits while on a co-op work term. You will need to receive permission from both your employer and professor, and then advise the Co-op team via a form. It is your responsibility to discuss the implications of taking a course while working with your employer. Â鶹Çø will not make special arrangements for tests, mid-terms, quizzes, assignments, projects, presentations and finals.

How often should I contact the Co-op office?

Contact a member from the Co-op team as often as you feel is required. If you have questions about assignments or concerns about the work place, please contact the team sooner than later so we can all be proactive. Ensure you check your Â鶹Çø email on a regular basis as this will be the primary mode of communication.

Are international Co-op placements available?

International Co-op placements are available on . We also recommend that you do your own research to find opportunities. The Co-op office cannot help you with lodging, visa and insurance considerations but can point you to trusted partners to help prepare for an international work experience. International travel is subject to Â鶹Çø’s Travel Regulations.

Will there be a site visit from someone from the Software Engineering Co-op team?

No, there will be no site visits. There will be regular communication with the Co-op Advisor and so it is important that you regularly check your Â鶹Çø email.

The company has offered to extend my work term, what do I do?

If you received an offer to extend your current co-op work term, please contact the Co-op team to discuss your options.

Are there guidelines for writing work term reports?

Yes. Guidelines will be communicated to you for each different co-op work term.

Are workshops to prepare for co-op work terms mandatory?

The Software Co-op team offers career skills workshops developed for Software Engineering students. Topics include resume & cover letter writing, interview prep, job search strategies and networking. There are also sessions to review student expectations before, during and after the work-term. While not mandatory, we strongly suggest you attend to learn from the team as well as learn from your classmates.

How do I find a job?

The Engineering Career Centre and the Software Co-op Advisor meet with industry professionals to develop new job opportunities. Opportunities are posted on , Â鶹Çø’s career management system. You are encouraged to seek out other jobs and take a pro-active approach to your job search. The Engineering Career Centre and student societies host networking events and professional development seminars. These will help you sharpen your skills, meet employers and discuss job opportunities.

Can I do a Co-op work term outside the Montreal area?

Definitely. Co-op positions are available throughout Quebec, across Canada and all over the world. You will find a variety of jobs in a variety of locations on . Apply to your favourite companies and explore your network and contacts as well!

*Due to the ongoing Covid-19 health crisis, in-person co-op work terms outside of the Montreal area may be subject to travel restrictions.

What kind of workplace will I perform my co-op work terms in?

You can do placements with a variety of employers, this is a chance to explore your interests. You can work in private businesses, non-profits, Crown corporations, federal, provincial and municipal governments as well as hospitals and large multi-nationals. Also, you may complete your work term locally, nationally or internationally.

What happens if I don’t speak French?

Montreal is a bilingual city in a francophone province. Speaking French is not always required for a co-op position but showing interest in learning the language can go a long way. Besides, you will be spending lots of time in Montreal. It’s a great opportunity to learn some conversational French. Still worried? Remember that you can apply to jobs elsewhere in Canada or around the globe.

Is it my choice where and when I go on Co-op?

You can choose where you do your co-op work term. Note that once you have accepted an offer, you must conclude your job search. Follow your sample curriculum to ensure graduating on time. This will also ensure you will have access to all your required courses at the right time.

Will my grades be sent to employers?

Your information will not be sent to an employer without prior consent.

Is there a minimum or maximum number of work terms a Co-op student can do?

You must complete 4 co-op work terms in the Software Engineering Co-op Program.

What are the average pay rates for a Co-op position?

The answer depends on how many co-ops you have completed as well as the sector/industry and location of your co-op work term. In Montreal, a 1st co-op work term student may earn between $18 and $25 per hour. In cities where living expenses are higher, salaries are typically higher.

Can I apply to job postings that are outside of my major?

You must find a co-op position related to your major. The demand for Software Engineers is high in many sectors. You should be able to find a co-op in sectors you are interested in (aerospace, big tech, retail, R&D, healthcare, government, and business/IT services to name a few). A Building Quality Inspector work term reserved for a Civil Engineering student would not be considered related to your Software Engineering major.

When will I get access to the Â鶹Çø myFuture job board?

You will have access to the postings on the the career management tool at Â鶹Çø within the first week of your first term.

How do I apply for a job posted on myFuture?

Read through the job posting carefully to understand how to apply to the job. Some employers will direct you to apply on their company website. Some employers ask that you submit your application package to their email address. Many times, you will apply directly to the myFuture portal for the employer to view. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your application.

When are co-op opportunities posted?

Job opportunities appear on a rolling basis all throughout the year. The postings are generally up for one to two weeks. When looking for a co-op position it is important to check regularly. Co-op positions are posted one to two terms in advance of the start date. If you are looking to secure a summer term co-op, most positions are advertised in January and February and a smaller number are advertised in September and October.

I haven't had many interviews, what should I do?

One important aspect to landing interviews is having strong documents. Cover letters and resumes should be tailored to the position you are seeking and highlight your strengths. Please make an appointment with your Co-op Advisor or the Career Advisors at the Engineering Career Centre to have your documents reviewed and discuss your job search plan. Remember that networking is an effective way to meet professionals and can also lead to an interview.

It's getting late in the term and I still haven't secured a position. What do I do?

We suggest you contact someone from the Software Engineering Co-op team and review your options with them.

What should I do if I do not have a job for my work term?

Most students who set their minds on finding a co-op will find a placement for their work term. In rare instances where they do not, we recommend that students do an academic term instead, the Academic Advisors can help students adjust their schedules accordingly. Students can discuss their job search strategies with the Career Advisors at the Engineering Career Centre or with their Co-op Program Advisor.

Can someone help me with my resume and cover letter?

The Software Co-op Advisor and the team of Career Advisors at the Engineering Career Centre can review your CV/resume and cover letter. They can offer advice to ensure you are presenting a professional document that reflects your skills and accomplishments.

If I want to apply for more than one position with a company, should I submit a cover letter for each position?

If the separate positions you are applying for are requesting cover letters as part of the application package, yes, submit a cover letter for each. Ensure that each cover letter highlights why you are qualified and interested in the position. You may want to elaborate on different experiences depending on the job. Career Advisors at the Engineering Career Centre can review your cover letters. Unless employers specifically ask you to omit the cover letter, it is always a great idea to write one.

I applied for a job but have not yet heard back, now what?

To increase your chances of finding work, we recommend that you apply to several jobs. Depending on many factors, an employer can respond to your application in a matter of days or several weeks. Typically, only students selected for an interview are contacted. If you have applied for several jobs and are not hearing back, make an appointment with the Software Co-op Advisor or a Career Advisor to have your resumes and cover letters reviewed, and to discuss job search strategies.

I had an interview and have not yet heard back, now what?

At the interview, remember to ask your when you should expect to hear back from them, this is a great way manage your time and expectations. It can take a few days, or a few weeks before you hear back post-interview.

I have had several interviews but have not received any job offers, why?

After each interview, take a few moments to conduct a quick self-assessment. Think about how you answered certain questions. Were some questions tough, did you answer some questions well? The Engineering Career Centre offers interview prep workshops and one-on-one appointments where students can do a mock interview or review interview strategies.

How do employers select students?

Hiring criteria varies from one company to the next. Generally, employers are looking for students with a minimum technical skill-set corresponding to the job and good communication skills. Employers look for motivated students that are eager to learn and excited to take on new challenges.

Can I change my mind after accepting an offer?

If after accepting an offer, you decide to withdraw that acceptance, you will (1) no longer be eligible to receive credit for ECSE 201, 301, 401, or 402 in the impacted term, (2) have your myFuture access restricted, and (3) be required to meet with a SE Co-op Advisor.

Why do I pay co-op tuition fees?

Co-op program tuition fees are collected to cover the operation and administration of the program, they are not ‘placement fees’. Fees (2-credits per co-op work-term) go to designing and delivering content, panel discussions, networking events and providing a range of job search skills and strategies tailored to Software Engineering students. The fees also go towards developing quality opportunities, maintaining employer relationships and coordinating the job postings.

When are my Co-op tuition fees due?

Please visit Student Accounts for more information about fees at /student-accounts/new-students/general

Do employers pay relocation costs?

Some employers pay relocation costs. The biggest determining factor is where the employer is located.

Do I have to take summer courses?

We propose that you follow the sample curriculum. Most summer terms will be spent on co-op work terms. It is possible to take one course (up to 4 credits) while on co-op.

Do I get academic credit for Co-op?

Each successfully completed co-op work term counts as 2 credits towards the completion of your degree.

What happens if I don't complete the required four Co-op work terms?

To qualify for graduation, you must complete 4 co-op work terms and the required academic course load. The Software Co-op team and the Engineering Career Advisors are available to advise you on job search strategies.

What happens to my student loan while I'm on a Co-op work term?

Please contact Â鶹Çø Scholarships and Student Aid.

Can I finish my degree on a Co-op work term?

Yes, you can graduate on a co-op. However, it is very important that you submit all your ECSE 402 assignments on time to make sure you can receive your final grade in time for graduation approvals. Otherwise, you graduation date may be delayed.

What is a Co-op designation?

The Co-op designation tells employers that you are prepared to enter the workplace with limited orientation as you have accumulated 16 months of relevant work experience before graduating.

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