
Strategic Priority #2

Research & Knowledge Mobilization

We aspire to bolster the environment and conditions for research on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (E&I) across the Desautels Faculty.

We believe that research and practice are symbiotic - good research questions are inspired by practice and good research findings should be disseminated to impact practice. The following efforts aim to offer researchers valuable opportunities to engage with professionals and cultivate a dynamic E&I research community.

Short-term initiatives by Fall 2023

Initiative Action Steps Partners Status
Build connections across E&I researchers at Desautels Networking Events, Informal Networking Desautels Faculty Ongoing
Writing retreat day Reserve Space, Market to Faculty Desautels Faculty Planned Fall 2023

Medium-Term Initiatives by 2025

Initiative Action Steps Partners Status
Raise Funding for Research Activity Apply for SSHRC Connection Grant first, others over time Faculty Planned to submit November 2023
Research-Practitioner Exchange Event Contact participants to create conferences and networking events Career Services, Advancement Planned 2023-2024
Database of academic contacts Collect contacts of academic and industry references Career Services, Advancement --

Long-Term Initiatives beyond 2025

Initiative Action Steps Status
Networking events, speaker series, conferences, symposiums, and workshops -- Brainstorming
Foster a replicable model of action research Develop a Research Philosophy and Strategy Brainstorming
Encourage and Document Increased E&I Research Output and Dissemination from Desautels -- Brainstorming

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