Urquia, Marcelo L., Vang, Zoua M. and Francisco Bolumar (2015). "Birth Outcomes of Latin Americans in Two Countries with Contrasting Immigration Admissions Policies: Canada and Spain." PLoS One 10...
Vang, Zoua M., Elo, Irma T. and Makoto Nagano (2015). "Preterm Birth among the Hmong, Other Asian Subgroups and Non-Hispanic Whites in California." BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth 15:1-10. Doi: 10...
Amm Quamruzzamam won the 2015 best Graduate Student Paper in the Canadian Sociological Association’s “Sociology of Development Research Cluster” for his paper, “Economic Growth or Good Governance:...
Alarie, Milaine. and Jason T. Carmichael. 2015. "The “Cougar” Phenomenon: An Examination of the Factors That Influence Age-Hypogamous Sexual Relationships Among Middle-Aged Women." Journal of...