Prof Catherine Guastavino's research on quieted city sounds during lock down has been featured several times this past month in the news and on the radio. Read or listen more about this new...
The School of Information Studies is very pleased to announce that Prof. Benjamin Fung has been promoted to the rank of Full Professor. Prof. Fung is a stellar researcher and holder of the CRC...
Sounds in the City, a research partnership led by Dr. Catherine Guastavino at SIS, is investigating the effect of the pandemic on Montreal soundscapes.
Dominique Robichaud has been awarded a Pathy Fellowship; the project started as a MITACS supervised by Prof Kimiz Dalkir and Dominique went on to collaborate with the First Nations group. Click...
Blog Contributions to the DRAW (Data Rescue Archives and Weather ) Participatory Archives by students in the 641 Archival Description and Access course taught by Gordon Burr are highlighted in the...