
Minoring in entrepreneurship, majoring in success

Published: 6 April 2016

Popular culture loves the mythology of the self-made success, the boot-strapping individual who eschews formal education to blaze a path to success. But, while superstar dropouts can capture our...

Brian Driscoll named as Chair of Natural Resource Sciences

Published: 4 October 2016

Microbiologist Brian Driscoll took over the helm of the Department of Natural Resource Sciences (NRS) on September 1st....

Lister Family Engaged Science Initiative 3MT Competition

Published: 18 January 2017

All of the participants in the inaugural Lister Family Engaged Science Initiative 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition are to be congratulated on a job well done! Finalists (left to right) include PhD...

$1 Million donation to Macdonald College Campus

Published: 22 May 2015

Gift from graduate William Ritchie forms centrepiece of $2.5-million plan to educate the public, open campus to more visitors...

Researchers Turn Fish Waste Into A Coffee-Scented Biofuel

Published: 16 December 2015

Before that beautiful salmon filet lands on your plate, a lot of less appetizing stuff gets stripped away: By one estimate, the global seafood industry produces 64 million metric tons of waste each...


Published: 22 March 2016

Ìý Professor Lyle White, Natural Resource Sciences, is interviewed on his role in Mars exploration and the Exomars Space Probe. Listen to the interview Ìý Ìý Ìý


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