Lisa Cohen

Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour; Desautels Faculty Fellow
Lisa Cohen
Contact Information
Email address: 
lisa.cohen2 [at]
Alternate email address: 
linda.foster [at]

Bronfman Building []
1001 rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 1G5


PhD, Business Administration, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, USA
MBA, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, USA
BA, Sociology, Kalamazoo College, USA

Organizational Behaviour
Teaching areas: 

Human Resources

Talent Management



Prior to joiningDesautels, Lisa Cohen hasbeen a faculty memberat London Business School, the Yale School of Management and the Graduate School of Management, University of California, Irvine, where shetaught in the areas ofstrategic human resources, organizational behavior and communications.

Following postgraduate studies at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, and the Walter A. Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, Lisa Cohen enjoyed a successful consultancy career. She worked as Principal Consultant at Terranova Consulting Group/Right Management Consultants, a human resource and management consulting firm working to improve organizations’ potential through their people.


Sociology of work

Jobs and job design

Top management in entrepreneurial organizations




ORGB 423 Human Resources Management 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

Curriculum vitae: 
Tenured & Tenure Track
Research areas: 
Human Resource Management
Labour Issues
Labour Market
Managerial Careers
Organization/Job Structure
Organizational Theory
Taught previously at: 

London Business School

Yale School of Management

Merage School of Business, University of California-Irvine

Selected publications: 

Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Monteiro, Pedro, Davide Nicolini, Ingrid Erickson, Lisa Cohen, Gina Dokko, Greetje Corporal, Arvind Karunakaran, Beth Bechky, and Siobhan O’Mahony. 2024. “Beyond the buzz: Scholarly approaches to the study of work.” Journal of Management Inquiry.

Cohen, Lisa E. and Sara Mahabadi. 2020 "In the midst of hiring: Pathways of Anticipated and Accidental Job Evolution During Hiring."Organization Science, 33(5): 1938-1963.

Spataro, Sandra and Lisa E. Cohen. 2020. “Glossing over: How magazine fact checkers use conditional self-presentation to straddle glamour and dreariness in their work.” Journal of Organizational Psychology.

Ferguson, Amanda J., Lisa E. Cohen, M. Diane Burton, and Christine M. Beckman. 2016. “Misfit and milestones: Structural elaboration and capability reinforcement in the evolution of entrepreneurial top management teams.” Academy of Management Journal, 59: 1430-1450.

Cohen, Lisa E. 2016. “Jobs as Gordian Knots: A New Perspective Linking Individuals, Tasks, Organizations and Institutions.” Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 47: 25-59.

Cohen, Lisa E.,and Joseph P. Broschak. 2013. “Whose jobs are these? The impact of the proportion of female managers on the number of new management jobs filled by women versus men.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 58: 509-542 .

Cohen, Lisa E. 2013. “Assembling jobs: A model of how tasks are bundled into andacross jobs.” Organization Science, 24: 432-454.

Haveman, Heather A., Joseph P. Broschak, and Lisa E. Cohen. 2009. “Good times, badtimes: The impact of organizational dynamics on the careers of male and femalemanagers.” Research in the Sociology of Work, 18: 119-148.

Zatzick, Christopher, Marta M. Elvira, and Lisa E. Cohen. 2003. “When is more better?The effects of racial composition on turnover.” Organization Science, 14:483-496.

Elvira, Marta M. and Lisa E. Cohen. 2001. “Location matters: A cross-level analysis ofthe effects of organizational sex composition on turnover.” Academy of ManagementJournal, 44: 591-605.

Cohen, Lisa E., Joseph P. Broschak, and Heather A. Haveman. 1998. “And then therewere more? The effect of organizational sex composition on hiring and promotion.”American Sociological Review, 63: 711-727.Reprinted in Wood, John C. (ed.) 2011. Rosabeth Moss Kanter. Taylor & Francis:Abingdon.

Haveman, Heather A., and Lisa E. Cohen. 1994. “The ecological dynamics of careers:The impact of organizational founding, dissolution, and merger on job mobility.”American Journal of Sociology, 100: 104-152.

Chapters in Books

Cohen, Lisa E., and H. Le Bui. Forthcoming. “The coevolution of tasks and expertise.” Research in the Sociology of Organizations.

Cohen, Lisa E., Gina Dokko and Sara Mahabadi. Forthcoming. “The creation of routines and roles in startups.” Olav Sorenson & Patricia H. Thornton (eds), De Gruyter Handbook of Sociology of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Cohen, Lisa E. 2020. “Bringing Moonlighting in to the Study of Workers, Jobs, and Careers.” Advances in Strategic Management, 41.

Cohen, Lisa E. 2020. “The Dis-similar Effects of Similarity.” Advances in Strategic Management, 41.

Burton, M. Diane, Lisa E. Cohen and Michael Lounsbury. 2016. “Bringing Jobs Back In: Towards a New Multi-level Approach to the Study of Work and Organizations.” Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 47: 1-22.

Lacey, Rodney, and Lisa E. Cohen. 2016. “Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) as descriptive numerical Method in support of Narrative Methods.” In Kimberly D. Elsbach and Roderick M. Kramer (Eds.) Handbook of Innovative Qualitative Research Methods: Pathways to Cool Ideas and Interesting Papers.

Banks, Cristina G. and Cohen, Lisa. 2004. “Wage and hour litigation: I-O psychology’snew frontier.” In F.J. Landy (Ed), Employment Discrimination Litigation. Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.

Cohen, Lisa E., and Barry M. Staw. 1998. “‘Fun’s over. Fact checkers are here’: ACase study of institutionalized dissent in the magazine publishing industry.” Advances inQualitative Organizational Research, 1: 100-135.

Awards, honours, and fellowships: 


2016-2021: Desautels Faculty Fellow

2013: Best paper award from the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada OT division (with Heather Haveman)

2012: Nominee for Dexter Award for best international paper submitted to AOM OMTdivision

2011: Honorable Mention from ASAC OT division for best paper (with HeatherHaveman)

1997:Max Weber Award of the OOW Section of the American SociologicalAssociation for best paper (with Heather Haveman)

1995: Finalist for INFORMS/Organization Science best dissertation award


1996-1997: UC Dissertation Year Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley

1993-1994: Sasakawa Fellowship, Haas School of Business

1992-1993: American Association of College Schools of Business Doctoral Fellowship

1991-1992: VanderWeide Fellowship, Fuqua School of Business

1990-1991: Fuqua School Fellowship, Fuqua School of Business


2020-2025: SSHRC Insight Grant,Task Mobility

2013-2018: SSHRC Insight Grant,Beyond Warm Bodies

2013: SSHRC Connections Grant for workshop on the Structure and Structuring ofWork in and around Organizations

2009-2010: London Business School Research and Materials Development Grant

2008-2010: London Business School Research and Materials Development Grant

2007-2009: London Business School Research and Materials Development Grant

2006-2008: London Business School Research and Materials Development Grant

Current research: 

Professor Cohen's current research focuses on questions about how tasks are bundled into jobs and jobs bundled into organizations: how and why jobs and organizations look the way they do,how they change, and how they influence organizational success? Most recently she has examined these issues in startups. She has ongoing projects examining hiring and unusualness in top management structure of startups.She has published in Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, and Organization Science.

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