鶹 Desautels Faculty of Management - Saku Mantere's Recent Research /desautels/channels_item/180 en Paolo Leone and Profs Mantere and Faraj's paper is Best Article Finalist /desautels/node/87564 <p>Congratulations to Paolo V. Leone, Saku Mantere and Samer Faraj, whose paper “Open Theorizing in Management and Organization Studies” has been named Best Article Finalist by the Academy of Management (AOM).</p> Mon, 29 Aug 2022 16:18:26 +0000 What warrants our claims? A methodological evaluation of argument structure /desautels/node/87009 <p><strong>Authors:</strong> Mikko Ketokivi and <a href="/desautels/saku-mantere"><strong>Saku Mantere</strong></a></p> <p><strong>Publication: </strong> <em>Journal of Operations Management</em>, Volume 67, Issue 6, September 2021, Pages 755 – 776.</p> <p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p> Tue, 15 Feb 2022 16:41:37 +0000 Open Theorizing in Management and Organization Studies /desautels/node/87010 <p><strong>Authors:</strong> <strong>Paolo V. Leone</strong>, <a href="/desautels/saku-mantere"><strong>Saku Mantere</strong></a> and <a href="/desautels/samer-faraj"><strong>Samer Faraj</strong></a></p> <p><strong>Publication: </strong> <em>Academy of Management Review</em>, Volume 46, Issue 4, October 2021, Pages 725–749.</p> <p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p> Tue, 15 Feb 2022 16:44:41 +0000 Cutting the Cord: Mutual Respect, Organizational Autonomy, and Independence in Organizational Separation Processes /desautels/node/68758 <p><strong>Authors: </strong>Rene Wiedner and <strong><a href="/desautels/saku-mantere">Saku Mantere</a></strong></p> <p><strong>Publication:</strong><em> Administrative Science Quarterly</em>, Forthcoming</p> <p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p> <p>Based on a longitudinal, qualitative analysis of developments in the English National Health Service, we develop a process model of how organizations divest or spin off units with the aim of establishing two or more autonomous organizational entities while simultaneously managing their continued interdependencies. We find that effective organizational separation depends on generating two types of respect—appraisal and recognition respect—between the divesting and divested units. Appraisal respect involves showing appreciation for competence or the effort to achieve it, while recognition respect requires considering what someone cares about—such as values or concerns—and acknowledging that they matter. The process model we develop shows that open communication is crucial to the development of both. We also find that certain attempts to gain organizational independence and respect may unintentionally undermine the development of autonomy. Counterintuitively, we find that increasing or maintaining interorganizational links via communication may facilitate organizational separation, while attempts by units to distance themselves from one another may unintentionally inhibit it. By linking organizational separation, autonomy, independence, and respect, this paper develops theory on organizational separation processes and more generally enhances our understanding of organizational autonomy and its relations with mutual respect.</p> <p> Mon, 04 Jun 2018 19:11:33 +0000 Strategy processes and practices: Dialogues and intersections /desautels/node/68329 <p><strong>Authors: </strong>Robert Burgelman, Steven Floyd, Tomi Laamanen, <a href="/desautels/saku-mantere"><strong>Saku Mantere</strong></a>, Eero Vaara and Richard Whittington</p> <p><strong>Publication: </strong><em>Strategic Management Journal</em>, Vol. 39, No. 3 (SI), 2018, pp. 531-558.</p> <p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p> <p>Building on our review of the strategy process and practice research, we identify three ways to see the relationships between the two research traditions: complementary, critical, and combinatory views. We adopt in this special issue the combinatory view, in which activities and processes are seen as closely intertwined aspects of the same phenomena. It is this view that we argue offers both strategy practice and strategy process scholars some of the greatest opportunities for joint research going forward. We develop a combinatory framework for understanding strategy processes and practices (SAPP) and based on that call for more research on (a) temporality, (b) actors and agency, (c) cognition and emotionality, (d) materiality and tools, (e) structures and systems, and (f) language and meaning.</p> <p><strong>Read article:</strong> <em><a href="http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/smj.2741/full" target="_blank">Strategic Management Journal</a></em></p> <p> Mon, 05 Feb 2018 19:26:28 +0000 Reasoning by analogy and the progress of theory /desautels/node/67349 <p><strong>Authors:</strong> Mikko Ketokivi, <strong><a href="/desautels/saku-mantere">Saku Mantere</a></strong> and Joep Cornelissen</p> <p><strong>Publication:</strong> <em>Academy of Management Review</em></p> <p><strong>Abstract: </strong></p> Thu, 20 Apr 2017 20:18:09 +0000 Suzanne Gagnon and Saku Mantere awarded 2016 SSHRC Insight Grant /desautels/node/66659 <p>Congratulations to Professor <a href="/desautels/node/65076" target="_blank"><strong>Suzanne Gagnon</strong></a> of Organizational Behaviour and <a href="/desautels/saku-mantere" target="_blank"><strong>Saku Mantere</strong></a> of Strategy and Organization on being awarded 2016 SSHRC Insight Grant" "Social Innovation in Human Rights, Equity and Diversity: Complex Systems and Discourses of Change". </p> Mon, 24 Oct 2016 18:38:43 +0000 Video methods in strategy research: Focusing on embodied cognition /desautels/node/65566 <p>Authors: <span>Gylfe, P., </span><span>Franck, H., </span><span>LeBaron, C., </span><strong><span>Mantere, S.</span></strong></p> <p><span>Publication: Strategic Management Journal </span></p> <p><span>Abstract:</span></p> Wed, 10 Feb 2016 18:31:34 +0000 A Wittgensteinian perspective on strategizing /desautels/node/65476 <p>Author: <strong>Mantere, S.</strong></p> <p>Publication: Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice</p> <p>Abstract:</p> Wed, 20 Jan 2016 18:55:41 +0000 Professor Saku Mantere receives 2015 Best Published Paper in Organization and Management Theory /desautels/node/64531 <p>Professor Saku Mantere wins the <a href="http://omtweb.org/awards/best-published-paper-award" target="_blank">2015 Best Published Paper</a> in Organization and Management Theory for his paper "The contraction of meaning: The combined effect of communication, emotions and materiality on sensemaking in the Stockwell shooting” with co-authors Joep P. Cornelissen and Eero Vaara.</p> Fri, 03 Jul 2015 18:48:21 +0000