

MCCHE Convergent Innovation Webinar Series with Renata Guizzardi-Silvia & Luiz Olavo Bonino

Monday, November 4, 2024 11:00to13:00

Towards the Next Generation FAIR Food Data Platform

By Renata Guizzardi-Silvia & Luiz Olavo Bonino

Assistant Professor, University of Twente
Assistant Professor, University of Twente

Date: Monday, November 4, 2024
Time: 11:00am to 1:00pm

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The Food domain is a lively and exciting domain, which has attracted much attention over the years. It involves a complex ecosystem composed of several stakeholders (e.g., farmers, consumers, retailers, professionals in nutrition and health, etc.), each of them having their own goals and constraints while sharing data. For example, consumers' preferences and health data are extremely sensitive, and farmers’ sharing info on their crops may lead to a competitive disadvantage or tax increase. In such a context, it is paramount to endow stakeholders with trustworthy and effective data-sharing mechanisms. The Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) principles have become essential in modern data management practices. However, achieving FAIRness in data management remains challenging, particularly in distributed environments where data and services are scattered across various platforms and organisations. In this talk, we present our work on the 4TU Redesign Project in developing the next generation Food Data Platform, and we discuss the technologies applied in this development, especially the FAIR Data Train, a distributed data and services platform designed to promote FAIR practices in distributed environments.


Renata Guizzardi-Silvia is currently an Assistant Professor at the Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems group, at the University of Twente, in the Netherlands (since 2020). Previously, she was a founding member of the Ontology & Conceptual Modeling Research Group (NEMO) and of the Laboratory of Supporting Technologies for Collaborative Networks (LabTAR), at UFES, Brazil, where she was based from 2009-2016. Her past appointments also include positions at the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) (2006 and 2018), the University of Trento (2019) and the University of Bristol (2019). Renata has investigated for the past 20 years the interplay of Conceptual Modeling (especially Ontologies) and Requirements Engineering, and she has experience with Distributed Architectures and Multiagent Systems. For two years, she has been involved in the 4TU Redesign Project, having the role of co-developer of a distributed platform to support Food Services delivered in this project.

Luiz Olavo Bonino is an Associate Professor in the Semantics, Cybersecurity and Services group at the University of Twente and in the BioSemantics group at the Leiden University Medical Centre. His background is in ontology-driven conceptual modelling, semantic interoperability, service-oriented computing, requirements engineering and context-aware computing. Since 2014 Luiz has focused on research, design and development activities related to supporting the making, publishing, indexing, searching, evaluating and annotating of FAIR (meta)data and services. Luiz leads the national FAIR data team and is responsible for designing and developing several technological solutionssupporting the realisation of the FAIR principles (since 2014).

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