
Recherche sur la trajectoire des enfants des Premières Nations dans le système de la protection de la jeunesse

Principal Investigator: Nico Trocmé
Funding Source:              RBC Children’s Services Research & Training Program
Period:                                 2009-2012

The global purpose of this project is 1) to enable all partners, to the extent possible, to have data regarding the child welfare status of First Nations children and families, and of the services they receive; 2) to provide all partners with analysis of the data that contributes to understanding needs and trends and that will contribute to better planning, coordination and intervention and 3) to contribute to the autonomy of First Nations regarding this type of data and its interpretation. This project is a partnership between members of the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Service Commission, the Association des centres jeunesse du Québec, the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada and the Centre for Research on Children and Families. In keeping with the approach to other collaborative, capacity development projects in which CRCF is engaged, the role of CRCF staff in the proposed project is to serve as technical consultants providing assistance with data interpretation and development of project design.

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